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आयतन 5, मुद्दा 2 (2015)

समीक्षा लेख

Objective Evidence of Post-exertional “Malaise” in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Frank NM Twisk

Essential elements of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) are muscle (weakness) and tenderness, cognitive deficits, neurological impairments, especially of cognitive, autonomic and sensory functions, but above all, post-exertional“malaise”: a prolonged increase of symptoms after a minor physical and mental exertion.

Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is defined as clinically evaluated, unexplained (persistent or relapsing) chronic fatigue, accompanied by at least four out of eight specific symptoms, e.g., sore throat, unrefreshing sleep, and
Since cognitive deficits and post-exertional “malaise” are not mandatory for the diagnosis CFS, only part of the CFS patient group meets the diagnostic criteria for ME.
So, post-exertional “malaise” is considered to be the distinctive feature of ME. However, “malaise” is an ambiguous and subjective notion. In order to assess post-exertional malaise objectively, several studies have employed widely used methods to quantify the deviant effects of exertion in ME (CFS). This review focuses on the long-lasting (negative) effects of exercise on the performance indicators of the physical exercise capacity, the cognitive deficits and the muscle power.
शोध आलेख

Biochemistry and Psychology of Chess and Classical Physical Exercise: Concurring or Conflicting Evidence?

Sighart Golf

Chess is a competitive sport in the classical meaning of the word. One of the most important factors for chess and sport competence is the accumulated time of training. In order to obtain a high level of competence, chess players and athletes alike must spend up 10 years of specific training.
In chess and classical sport energy needed for brain activity is first derived from glycogen stores in brain, muscles and liver and later from adipose tissue. Both, chess and classical sport rely on shared energy from glycogen and fat. When the brain needs additional energy, muscles and liver share energy with the brain. When muscles need additional energy, brain complies with the request of muscles. Energy expenditure, O2 uptake and CO2 production during chess games are similar to those obtained during a marathon. Mental and physical fatigue begin with similar metabolic states: deprivation of glycogen. During competitive chess, athletes must be in good physical condition.
Mental profiles of chess players and other athletes correlate with processes such as attention, conflict control, memory, motivation and recognition.
In chess there exists no gender-specific excellence; glycogen availability, however, is less developed in female chess players.
In chess and in classical sports, the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles cooperate in complete harmony. The brain commands everything: in chess the figures, in sport the cellular receptors (baro-, lactate-, gluco-, metabo-, chemo-, thermo-, respiratory-) “send” signals via eyes or metabolic changes to the brain. The brain then decides, what to do: in chess, the player moves a figure; in sports, muscles react according to demand.
Physical exercise or chess must be defined by a motor activity completely controlled by the central nervous system (CNS) in combination with a specific competence. In chess as well as in physical exercise, physical stress prepares brain to cognitive stimulation.
With respect to biochemical, physiological, neuronal and psychological aspects, chess is equals classical physical exercise and must be recognized as sport.

मामला का बिबरानी

Comparison of Isokinetic Strength between Hamstring Injured and Non-Injured Leg in a Hamstring-Injured Athlete

Stasinopoulos Dimitrios

The aim of this study was to determine whether there are any differences in hamstring strength indices of isokinetic concentric and eccentric peak torques at 60 deg/sec and 180 deg/sec between hamstring injured (left / non dominant) and non-injured (right / dominant) leg in a hamstring-injured athlete. A 25-year-old male recreational athlete who had hamstring injury, grade 2, twice in the past took part in the present case study. Hamstring concentric and eccentric peak torques were tested at two velocities: 60 and 180 deg/sec. The only difference was found in concentric peak torque at 60 deg/sec. Future well - designed studies are needed to find out whether there is a relationship between strength testing and hamstring muscle injury.

शोध आलेख

Characteristics of the Japanese National Team of the First Youth Olympic Games

 Yoko Tanabe, Shin Asakawa, Yuko Arakida, Ichiro Kono and Takao Akama

Objective: To investigate the change in young elite Japanese athlete’s attitudes during the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in 2010.
Design: Survey study.
Setting: 2010 YOG, Singapore.
Participants: Data were collected from individual surveys completed by 57 athletes selected for the Japanese national team.
Main outcome measures: Main outcome measures were change in athlete’s awareness of the equal emphasis on sport, culture, and education and athlete understands of anti-doping education.
Results: A total of 57 athletes agreed to participate in this study, Twenty-five respondents indicated that their main route of entry into their competition sport was family members who played the sport. Thirty-one respondents indicated that fun upon winning the game was their primary motivation for continuing to participate in the sport and 42 respondents stated that a good result in the competition was the main types of satisfaction gained from participation.
Conclusions: The results revealed the influences for taking up sports among young elite athletes on the Japanese national team competing at the Singapore YOG in 2010. The findings indicated that athletes were originally influenced by their parents. Lastly, the attitude of the Japanese athletes was significantly broadened through participation in the YOG.

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