Dan Buskila*
A major concern is how to treat dizziness and balance problems after a concussion. This study sought to determine whether vestibular rehabilitation could assist people with concussions feel less lightheaded and to enhance their gait and balance. Retrospective record analysis was done on 114 patients who had been referred for vestibular therapy after suffering a concussion: 67 children under the age of 18 (mean age, 16; range, 8–18); and 47 adults above the age of 18 (mean age, 41; range, 19–73). During the initial evaluation and discharge, outcome measurements of selfreport (such as dizziness severity, Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale, and Dizziness Handicap Inventory), as well as gait and balance performance (such as Dynamic Gait Index, gait speed, and the Sensory Organization Scale), were noted.
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