Ponizovskiy MR
Interactions nuclear processes and mitochondrial processes determine stabile basophilic chemical potential in cytoplasm, i.e. stability cellular chemical potential. Interactions between all cells occur due to remote reactions across distance as the results of cellular capacitors operations via production of resonance waves. Interactions cellular capacitors of cells maintain common stability of Internal Energy both in cells and in an organism. Study of interactions between nuclear processes and mitochondrial processes reveals processes of mutual influences between catabolic pathways in mitochondria and anabolic pathways in nucleus creating stable chemical potential of cytoplasm. The biochemical processes defining stable cellular chemical potential is stimulated by biophysical processes of cell’s capacitors operations. Excessive shifts balance catabolic and anabolic processes into either catabolic processes or into anabolic processes lead to pathologic development of an organism. Results of some experiments were explained eliminating doubts which were expressed by the authors of these experiments. Moreover there were substantiated the benefits using Prolonged medical Starvation with considerably decreased dosage of cytotoxic drug of the new approach to cancer therapy.
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