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मस्तिष्क मिर्गी

Epilepsy is a most chronic brain disorder. More than 50 million people throughout the world are suffering with epilepsy. Epileptic seizures are caused by abnormal brain cell activity. At any age Epileptic seizures are caused and Epileptic seizures produce a variety of behaviors from a blank stare to a full body convulsion depending on the brain region affected.

Journals Related to Brain Epilepsy

Brain Disorders & Therapy, Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, Journal of मस्तिष्क संबंधी विकार, मिर्गी जर्नल, Brain- A Journal of Neurology, Molecular & Cellular Epilepsy, Clinical Cases and Reviews in Epilepsy, Journal of मस्तिष्क संबंधी विकार & Epilepsy, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, Brain Network Organization in Focal Epilepsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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