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Industrial Chemistry and Petrochemicals: Fuels, Polymers and Beyond


Sarvin Aghdam

Industrial chemistry and petrochemicals play a pivotal role in shaping the modern world. They are the driving force behind countless products and technologies that we rely on daily. Petrochemicals are chemicals derived from petroleum or natural gas, which serve as the building blocks for a wide range of products. This industry encompasses the production of fuels, plastics, chemicals and more, contributing significantly to global economic development. Fuels are perhaps the most recognizable products of the petrochemical industry. The power our cars, heat our homes and keep industries running. Crude oil, extracted from beneath the Earth's surface, is refined into a variety of products, including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and more. These fuels are indispensable, but their production and use have significant environmental implications, particularly regarding greenhouse gas emissions. As society seeks cleaner alternatives, the petrochemical industry is also exploring cleaner fuel options, such as biofuels and hydrogen, to mitigate its impact on the environment.

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