Hemant Pathak*
Ground water is one of the major resources of the drinking water in rural area nearby Sagar city, Madhya Pradesh. In the present study groundwater quality of the selected 02 villages near by Sagar city were taken for under investigations, by collecting 75 groundwater samples from entire villages and assessed for their suitability for human consumption. Physico-chemical parameters were carried out during different months of the pre monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon seasons in Oct. 2007– July 2011. WHO water directive value is 44 mg/l for nitrate and11 mg/l nitrate in drinking water. pH values of all samples were between 5.5-8.5 limits. Conductivity of all samples was below WHO water standards. The statistical analysis of the experimentally estimated water quality parameters on water samples yielded the range of the variation, mean, standard deviation, co-efficient of variation, correlation analysis and principal component analysis.
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