
जर्नल ऑफ ऑन्कोलॉजी मेडिसिन एंड प्रैक्टिस

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आयतन 7, मुद्दा 3 (2022)

लघु संचार

Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer may be Predicted Treatment Response by Biomarkers

Gary Fonseca*

In this study, patients with locally advanced cervical cancer were evaluated for their response to definitive chemo radiation therapy in relation to quantitative metabolic and volumetric FDG PET/CT characteristics. Ninety patients with newly diagnosed locally advanced cervical cancer underwent research. At staging and following treatment, PET/CT was performed on all patients. Patients with and without a complete metabolic response were compared with regard to metabolic and volumetric markers, Total Lesion Glycolysis, and Metabolic Tumor Volume (MTV), of the primary tumour and metastatic lymph nodes. In a subset of FIGO IB2-IIB patients, a similar study was carried out; Results: SUVmax and SUVmean of the primary tumour as well as those of metastatic lymph nodes and TLG were found to be considerably higher than those of the primary tumour. Patients with locally advanced cervical cancer who will not respond to definitive chemo radiation therapy have higher levels of quantitative metabolic and volumetric markers assessed from PET/CT. In particular, MTV and TLG values can be used to predict therapy response in individuals who are not metastatic at staging, which may change the course of treatment.

छोटी समीक्षा

A Brief Analysis of Drug Combinations and Mechanisms

Sophia Lee*

Cancer patients now have hope thanks to chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Cancer-therapy-induced cardiovascular damage has garnered interest as cancer patient survival times have increased and clinical experience has grown. Deeper understanding of the molecular biology underlying the disease is necessary to develop appropriate preventative and treatment strategies for the side effects of cancer therapy that can be fatal or cause long-term morbidity. Traditional Chinese medicine formulations are effective in addition to the common cardioprotection medications and can be expected to achieve "tailored treatment" from a variety of angles. Furthermore, "reverse cardio-oncology" has emerged as a result of the rising incidence of cancer in people with cardiovascular disease, underscoring the urgent need for collaboration between cardiologists and oncologists.

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