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आयतन 7, मुद्दा 1 (2023)

छोटी समीक्षा

Pathogen-Induced Proteases: Dual Roles in Host Defense and Tissue Damage

Renier Shabab

Pathogen-induced proteases play a critical role in the host's immune response to invading pathogens. These enzymes are secreted by immune cells and target proteins on the pathogen's surface, aiding in its clearance. However, dysregulated production of pathogen-induced proteases can lead to tissue damage and chronic inflammation. Therefore, understanding the regulation of these enzymes is essential for developing effective therapeutic strategies for infectious and inflammatory diseases. This mini-review provides an overview of the concept of pathogeninduced proteases and their role in the immune response.

छोटी समीक्षा

An Overview of Anti-Infective Agents: From Antibiotics to Antivirals, Antifungals and Antiparasitics

Jennifer Doudna

Anti-infective agents have been a crucial tool in the management of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. This mini-review provides an overview of the different types of anti-infective agents, including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics, and immunomodulators, their mechanisms of action, and clinical applications. While these agents have been effective in treating infectious diseases, the overuse and misuse of these agents have led to the emergence of drug-resistant strains, which is a growing global health concern. To mitigate the emergence of drug resistance, it is essential to promote appropriate use of these agents, as well as invest in the development of new antiinfective agents and strategies for combating infectious diseases.

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