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आयतन 8, मुद्दा 3 (2019)

पुरस्कार 2021

Awards 2020 of the 12th International Conference on Cancer Stem Cell & Oncology Research

Sanjay Gupta

It is an honour to the specialists who have made extraordinary commitments to progressing in Stem cell, oncology, and disease. It is the most renowned honour of the entire gathering and is labeled as a logical help Achievement grant. The qualification criteria for accomplishing this honour is that one ought to have the least of 20+ long stretches of involvement with the relative field openly or private segment. The recipient of this honour ought to have a devoted interest and should step up to the plate in inquiring about the on-going patterns and advancements towards the related subjects. You can nominate someone deserving of the award via online.

शोध आलेख

An Assessment to Determine Total Scatter Factors for Photon Beam Linear Accelerators

Barrington Brevitt, Barnswell Dennis, Pankaj Patel and Mitko Voutchkov

Objectives: To explore a simple and effective way to determine the total scatter of a C- Series linear accelerator.
Methodology: Measurements for this study were acquired using a Varian C-Series linear accelerator, with a 6MV photon beam, a Blue water phantom, 2 IBA CC13 ion chambers and an IBA CCU electrometer. Measurements were acquired for field sizes ranging from 5cm x 5cm to 40cm x 40cm, increasing field size by an increment of 5cm. Three readings were collected for each field size and averaged. All readings were done at a depth of 10cm to reduce the probability of measuring electron contamination in the photon beam. Measurements for Sc calculation were acquired in air using a build-up cap with a 3cm diameter.
Results: The average radiation dose measured increased as the field sizes increased. The maximum dose recorded for Sc was 2.33cGy while that for Scp was7.96cGy. There was a non-linear direct relationship between radiation dose measured, Scp and Sc calculated and field size. The maximum standard deviation in charge readings for Sc measurement was 1.18% which was recorded for the 35cm x 35cm field. The minimum standard deviation was 0.70% obtained with the 20cm x 20cm field. the proportion of the phantom scatter contribution to the total scatter, decreased exponentially with increases in field size. The largest contribution was identified with the 10cm x 10cm field while the lowest was identified with the 40cm x 40cm field.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that this method was effective in assessing the total scatter factor and its derivatives for field sizes ranging from 5cm x 5cm to 40cm x 40cm.

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