
सिंचाई एवं जल निकासी प्रणाली इंजीनियरिंग

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आयतन 12, मुद्दा 3 (2023)

छोटी समीक्षा

Evaluation of Community−Managed Irrigation Scheme′s Hydraulic Performance

Fekadu Fufa

In order to evaluate the effects of irrigation practices, discover performance gaps, and enhance system performance, irrigation scheme performance assessment is essential. However, since the Yelen irrigation scheme began operation, no irrigation performance assessment has been carried out. As a result, the purpose of this study is to identify and comprehend the Yelen irrigation scheme's current irrigation performance. Hydraulic performance was assessed using the adequacy, efficiency, dependability, deficiency, and equity indicators. While secondary data came from a variety of sources, primary data were gathered through transect walks, household surveys, group discussions, and flow measurement with a Parshall flume and current meter. The data were analyzed using the CROPWAT 8.0 model, SPSS, Microsoft Excel, and GIS software. The amounts of water that were applied, as well as the amounts that should have been applied, were used to evaluate water delivery indicators. The study's findings revealed that the values of adequacy, dependability, efficiency, deficiency, and equity were respectively 0.84, 0.26, 0.93, 0.17, and 0.34. In general, the irrigation system performs poorly. It mostly happened as a result of a lack of water, illegal water extraction, canal sedimentation, and inadequate provisions for operation and maintenance. To improve the irrigation system's performance, appropriate management strategies and adequate maintenance are required. During times of water scarcity, enhancing the performance of water delivery systems may present an opportunity to save water at the field level.

छोटी समीक्षा

Case Study on the Effect of Climate Change on Irrigation

Jazuri Abdullah

Irrigation plays a crucial role in boosting agricultural output and productivity for the long-term viability of the nation's economy. Due to the rapid change in the climate system, there will be obvious effects on current activities for the design and management of irrigation systems. The future of this paper will focus on assessing how climate change affects the crop yield and irrigation requirements of the Wonji Shoa Sugarcane Plantation Estate. It used projections from the Cordex regional climate model (RCM) with bias correction for the medium concentration representative path way 4.5RCP scenario and the high concentration representative path way 8.5RCP scenario for future climate data. The AQUACROP model was then fed data that had been downscaled. For both the 4.5rcp and 8.5rcp scenarios, the time series show a significant increase in maximum and minimum temperature values and a slight increase in precipitation.

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