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Unlocking the Mystery-Laparotomy Reveals Corpus Luteal Cyst Rupture in Postcoital Hemoperitoneum


Soumya KS*

Postcoital hemoperitoneum is a rare but potentially life threatening condition characterized by accumulation of blood in the peritoneal cavity following sexual intercourse. We present a case of 23 years old female patient who presented with diffuse abdominal pain, right shoulder pain and chest discomfort following sexual intercourse. Physical examination and imaging studies confirmed the presence of moderate to large hemoperitoneum, leading to the suspicion of a ruptured corpus luteal cyst. An emergent exploratory laparotomy was done. Bleeding site was identified over the ovary and ruptured tiny friable cyst was noted, same excised and send for histopathological examination. Hemostasis secured with series of sutures over the ovary. Patient received transfusion of packed red cells and discharged in stable condition. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis. This case report emphasizes the importance of early recognition, prompt intervention and highlights the potential life threatening complications associated with ruptured corpus luteal cysts.

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