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Simultaneous integration of influenza vaccine and chitosan nanoparticles within CpG nucleotides oligodesoxi and check its efficiency in reducing the dose of influenza vaccine in the mouse model


Seyed Farid Sadati

New formulations are needed to improve the efficacy of
influenza vaccines. Lack of efficient delivery systems for
transporting antigenic molecules to the cytosol of antigen
presenting cells presents a major obstacle for antigen uptake
by immune cells. To this end, influenza Whole Inactivated
Virus (WIV) vaccines were formulated with chitosan
nanoparticles and CpG oligonucleotide as a biodegradable
delivery system and a Th1-specific adjuvant, respectively.
Inactivated Influenza virus vaccine with CpG and Chitosan
was injected intradermally to female Balb/C mice. Injections
were single dose in high and a reduced valium. 30 days after
injection, cell proliferation assay (MTT), IFN-gamma and IL-4
Elispot assays were carried out. Sera samples were collected
21 days after immunization to measure IgG1 and IgG2a
levels. In addition, the mice challenged with mouse adopted
virus, were monitored for weight loss. The results of analyzing
the stimulation of cellular and humoral immune systems and
weighting the mice show a significant stimulation of both
humoral and cellular immunities; also, weight gain and a
decrease in mortality in the mice receiving both dosages of
inactivated influenza virus vaccines with CpG and Chitosan
coating were observed. This finding demonstrated that CpGchitosan
low-dose vaccine was less costly than high-dose and
helps in production of more vaccine despite the limited
production required virus. Based on our results, it can be
concluded that formulation of inactivated Influenza virus with
CpG and its delivery by Chitosan as low-dose in return of
high-dose with the same results as balanced between cellular
and humeral immune responses can make enormous saving
in manufacturing vaccine.

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