José M Carrera*
The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution and progress made in Perinatal Medicine in Spain over
the past 40 years. Advances made in the range of technologies used in Perinatal Medicine and their implementation are described: ultrasonography, biophysical and biochemical monitorization (cardiotocography, fetal pH testing, etc.), prenatal diagnosis, amnioscopy, etc. Therapeutic approaches are also discussed: therapeutic uterine activity, fetal intrauterine treatment (medical and surgical), analgo-anesthesia in obstetrics, obstetric surgical technique, conducted when the threat of premature delivery exists, etc. The individuals who made these different advances are cited throughout the text, as are the contributions of Spanish Perinatologists to these areas. For many years Spanish Perinatology was influenced by the so-called “Montevideo School” created by Caldeyro-Barcia. The specialty later embraced all the innovations contributed by European and American investigation groups. Perinatal results have improved progressively over the years. Spanish levels of maternal and perinatal death are now amongst the lowest in Europe. Not only has the existence of a quality National Health System contributed to these improvements but the dynamism developed in perinatal medicine at some of the country’s major hospitals as well.
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