Michael Shaib
The world is naturally radioactive and approximately 82% of human absorbed radiation doses, which are of control, arise from natural sources such as cosmic, terrestrial and exposure from inhalation or intake radiation sources. In recent years several international studies have been carried out on the effects of low radiation dose. Gamma radiation emitted from natural sources is largely due to primordial radionuclides, mainly 232Th and 238U series and their decay products as well as 40K, which exist at trace levels in the earth’s crust. Their concentration in soils, sands, and rocks depends on the local geology of each region of the world. Naturally occurring radioactive materials generally contain terrestrial-origin radionuclide, left over since the creation of the earth. The present review article was carried out to consider all of natural radiation and some device emitting ionizing radiation such X-rays, CT scans used in Nuclear Medicine, and some equipment in our building today e.g. smoke detector emitting alpha radiation (Americium Beryllium), can promote cancer-capable cells.
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