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Germ Theory Denial, Anti-Vaccination and COVID-19


Elliot Benjamin

In this article the author describes his perception of the relationship of germ theory denial to anti-vaccination and COVID-19. After initially conveying the basic features of germ theory denial and terrain theory, he discusses these features in detail in a number of germ theory denial books, inclusive of their anti-vaccination content, and how this detrimentally affects the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the author describes the wealth of important information in Dawn Lester and David Parker’s 2019 germ theory denial book What Really Makes You Ill? Regarding the deadly dangers of toxic chemicals in a wide range of uses that span medicines and vaccinations for a multitude of diseases, as well as its pervasive use in many areas of everyday life, inclusive of what Lestser and Parker refer to as manufactured poisons and applications, poisoned food, poisoned water, and poisoned bodies. The author also conveys Lester and Parker’s description of the destructive consequences from electromagnetic radiation exposures, as well as from globalization and vested interests. In addition, utilizing a number of relevant examples through referenced excerpts, the author offers his own perspective on what he views as the narrow-minded, complete, and absolute adherence to germ theory denial in all the books he discusses, with disastrous consequences in regard to our current deadly worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

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