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Effectiveness of Mulligan Mobilization versus Mckenzie Exercises in Knee Osteoarthritis-A Single Blind Randomized Controlled Trial


Vrushali S. Jadhav, Deepak B. Anap

Background: Knee osteoarthritis is a prevalent musculoskeletal condition affecting older people. Physiotherapy treatment options include conventional physiotherapy which comprised of strengthening and stretching exercises and other is, manual techniques. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of Mulligan Mobilization with Movement along with Conventional Physiotherapy and McKenzie exercises with Conventional Physiotherapy in knee osteoarthritis.

Method: Subjects were screened using inclusion and exclusion criteria and a written informed consent was obtained from the participants. 60 eligible subjects were divided into 2 groups using simple random sampling method. In Mulligan Group, subjects received Mulligan mobilization with movement along with conventional physiotherapy & McKenzie Group received McKenzie exercises along with conventional physiotherapy. The subjects were assessed  for outcome measures with the help of Knee osteoarthritis & outcome score(KOOS) Index, Time up & go test(TUG), Range of motion of knee joint & Manual muscle testing(Modified Research Council Scale)  at baseline, 4th week and after 3 months.

Results: Repeated measure ANOVA with post hoc Tukey- Kramer multiple comparison tests were used to find out the significant difference within the group. While unpaired t test was used to find out the difference between two groups. Within group analysis showed significant improvement in all outcome measures in Mulligan group and McKenzie group (p>0.05). After comparing two different methods we found that there was no significant difference between two groups (p<0.05).

Conclusion: - McKenzie exercises and Mobilization with movement technique are equally effective in improving functional outcome and knee range of motion In other hands McKenzie exercises are more effective in improving knee extensor strength.

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