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Cold Cases and Forensic Breakthroughs: How Science is Resurrecting Investigations


Delicati Robertson

Cold cases, those unsolved mysteries that have lingered in the shadows for years, are now finding new hope and resolution through advancements in forensic science. This article explores the evolution of forensic techniques and their role in breathing life into investigations that seemed destined for obscurity. From DNA analysis to cutting-edge technologies, we delve into the breakthroughs that are revolutionizing criminal investigations and providing closure for victims and their families. Traditional DNA analysis often required substantial samples, but touch DNA technology has revolutionized the field. Even the faintest traces of skin cells, hair, or other bodily fluids left behind by the perpetrator can now be analyzed. This breakthrough has enabled investigators to revisit crime scenes and evidence that were once considered inconclusive, providing a new avenue for solving cold cases.

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