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Clinical Decision Support Systems to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Nursing Home Residents: A Review


Lucie Trappes

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), which are thought to affect 5–10% of nursing home patients annually, are a prevalent issue. Due to unusual symptoms, concomitant conditions and the possibility of silent bacteriuria, UTIs in this population might be challenging to identify. Healthcare professionals can use Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools to help in the identification and management of suspected UTIs in nursing home residents. An overview of CDS and its possible application in the detection and treatment of suspected UTIs in nursing home patients will be given in this presentation. Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems are computer-based technologies that give healthcare professionals immediate access to clinical expertise and patient-specific data to enhance decision-making. From straightforward reminders to sophisticated algorithms that use patient-specific data to produce suggestions for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring, CDS systems can offer a variety of help.

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